Over the last 15 years Pearson has published 80+ articles in some of the world’s most highly esteemed peer-reviewed science journals such as Nature communications, Current Biology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Elife.
Pace, T., Koenig-Robert, R., & Pearson, J. (2023). Different representational mechanisms for imagery and perception: modulation vs excitation. Psychological Science.
Koenig-Robert, R., Omar, H. E., & Pearson, J. (2023). Implicit bias training can remove bias from subliminal stimuli, restoring choice divergence: A proof-of-concept study. PLoS ONE 18(7): e0289313. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0289313.
Burns, E., Martin, A., Kennett, R., Pearson, J., & Munro-Smith, V. (2022). High School Students’ Out-of-School Science Participation: A Latent Class Analysis and Unique Associations with Science Aspirations and Achievement. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1– 33.
Kay, L, Keogh, R., Andrillon, T. & Pearson, J. (2022). The pupillary light response as a physiological index of aphantasia, sensory and phenomenological imagery strength. eLife. 11:e72484.
Dawes, A., Keogh, R., Robuck, S., & Pearson, J. (2022) Memories with a blind mind: Remembering the past and imagining the future with aphantasia. Cognition.
Monzel, M., Mitchell, D., Macpherson,F., Pearson, J. & Zeman, A. (2022). Proposal for a consistent definition of aphantasia and hyperphantasia: A response to Lambert and Sibley (2022) and Simner and Dance (2022). Cortex 152, 74–76 (2022).
Monzel, M.., Mitchell, D., Macpherson,F., Pearson, J. & Zeman, A. (2022). Aphantasia, dysikonesia, anauralia: call for a single term for the lack of mental imagery – Commentary on Dance et al. (2021) and Hinwar and Lambert (2021). Cortex. 150, 149–152 (2022).
79. Glomb, K., Kringelbach, M. L., Deco, G., Hagmann, P., Pearson, J., and Atasoy, S., (2021). Functional harmonics reveal multi-dimensional basis functions underlying cortical organization. Cell Reports.Keogh, R., Wicken, M., & Pearson, J. (2021). Visual working memory in aphantasia: retained accuracy and capacity with a different strategy. Cortex.
Martin, A., Ginns, P., Burns, E. M., Kennett, R. K, Munro-Smith, V., Collie, R.J., & Pearson, J. (2021). Assessing Instructional Cognitive Load in the Context of Students’ Psychological Challenge and Threat Orientations: A Multi-level Latent Profile Analysis of Students and Classrooms. Frontiers in Psychology, section Educational Psychology.
Keogh, R., Pearson, J. & Zeman, A. (2021). Chapter 15 - Aphantasia: The science of visual imagery extremes, Editor(s): Jason J.S. Barton, Alexander Leff, Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Elsevier, Volume 178.
Wicken, M., Keogh, R. & Pearson J. (2021) The Critical Role of Mental Imagery in Human Emotion: Insights from fear-based imagery and aphantasia. Proceedings of Royal Society: B.
Martin, A.J., Kennett, R., Pearson, J., Mansour, M., Papworth, B., & Malmberg, L-E. (in press, accepted February 2021). Challenge and threat appraisals in high school science: Investigating the roles of psychological and physiological factors. Educational Psychology.
Burns, E. C., Martin, A. J., Kennett, R. K., Pearson, J., & Munro-Smith, V. (2020). Optimizing science self-efficacy: A multilevel examination of the moderating effects of anxiety on the relationship between self-efficacy and achievement in science. Contemporary Educational Psychology.
Martin, A.J., Burns, E.C., Kennett, R., Pearson, J., & Munro-Smith, V. (2020). Boarding and day school students: A large-scale multilevel investigation of academic outcomes among students and classrooms. Frontiers in Psychology (Educational Psychology).
Fazekas, P., Nanay, B. & Pearson, J. (2020). Offline perception — An introduction. Philosophical Transactions B.
Keogh, R. & Pearson, J. (2020). Attention driven phantom vision: Measuring the sensory strength of attentional templates and their relation to visual mental imagery and aphantasia. Philosophical Transactions B.
Rogers, S., Keogh, R. & Pearson, J. (2020). Hallucinations on demand: The utility of experimentally induced phenomena in hallucination research. Philosophical Transactions B.
Pearson, J. (2020). Reply to: Assessing the causal role of early visual areas in visual mental imagery. Nature Reviews Neuroscience.
Koenig-Robert, R. & Pearson, J. (In Press). Decoding non-conscious thought representations during successful thought suppression. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Koenig-Robert, R. & Pearson, J. (2020). Why do imagery and perception look and feel so different? Philosophical Transactions B.
Dawes, A., J., Keogh, R., Andrillon, T., & Pearson, J. (2020). A cognitive profile of multi-sensory imagery, memory and dreaming in aphantasia. Scientific Reports.
Keogh, R., Bergmann, J., & Pearson, J. (2020). Cortical excitability controls the strength of mental imagery. ELife.
Martin, A. Ginns, P., Burns, E.C., Kennett, R., & Pearson, J. (In press). Load Reduction Instruction in Science and Students’ Science Engagement and Science Achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Chang, S. & Pearson J. (2019). The Functional effects of voluntary and involuntary visual phantom color on conscious awareness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Martin, A.J., Malmberg, L-E., Kennett, R., Mansour, M., Papworth, B., & Pearson, J. (2019). What happens when students reflect on their self-efficacy during a test? Exploring test experience and test outcome in science. Learning and Individual Differences.
Pearson J. (2019). The Human Imagination: The cognitive neuroscience of visual mental imagery. Nature Reviews Neuroscience.
Koenig-Robert, R., & Pearson, J. (2019). Decoding the contents and strength of imagery before volitional engagement. Scientific Reports
Kwok, E. L.*, Leys, G.*, Koenig-Robert, R & Pearson, J. (2019). Measuring Thought Control Failure: Sensory Mechanisms and Individual Differences. Psychological Science.
Pearson, J. & Keogh, R. (2019). Redefining visual working memory: A cognitive strategy, brain region approach. Current Directions in Psychological Science.
Chiou, R., Rich, A. N., Rogers, S. & Pearson, J. (2018). Exploring the nature of synaesthetic experience: dissociations from colour perception and imagery. Cognition.
Vlassova, A. & Pearson, J. (2018). Unconscious decisional learning improves unconscious information processing. Cognition.
Keogh, R., & Pearson, J. (2018). The blind mind: No sensory visual imagery in aphantasia. Cortex.
Chang, S., & Pearson, J. (2018). The functional effects of prior motion imagery and motion perception. Cortex.
Atasoy, S., Deco, G. Kringelbach, M. L. & Pearson, J. (2017). Harmonic brain modes: a unifying framework for linking space and time in brain dynamics. The Neuroscientist.
Keogh, R., & Pearson, J. (2017). The perceptual and phenomenal capacity of mental imagery. Cognition.
Koenig-Robert, R., & Pearson, J. (2016). Decoding the nonconscious dynamics of thought generation. bioRxiv. http://doi.org/10.1101/090712
Pearson, J., Chiou, R., Rogers, R., Wicken, M., Heitmann, S., & Ermentrout, B. (2016). Sensory dynamics of visual hallucinations in the normal population. eLife 2016;5:e17072 [Business Insider] [LiveScience] [Science alert] [Daily Mail] - watch Joel Pearson talking about this research here
Payzan-LeNestour, E., Balleine, B. Berrada,T & Pearson, J. (2016). Variance after-effects distort risk perception in humans. Current Biology.
Lulfityanto, G., Donkin, C. & Pearson, J. (2016). Measuring Intuition: Non-conscious Emotional Information Boosts Decision Accuracy and Confidence. Psychological Science. [Sydney Morning Herald press] [The Huffington Post] [LiveScience] [The Juice Daily] PDF of original paper
Atasoy, S. Donnelly, I. & Pearson, J. (2016). Human brain networks function in connectome specific harmonic waves. Nature Communications. 7.
Bergmann, J., Pilatus, U., Genç, E., Kohler, A., Singer, W. & Pearson, J. (2016). V1 surface size predicts GABA concentration in medial occipital cortex. NeuroImage. 124A, 654–662.
Pearson, J., Naselaris, T., Holmes E.A., & Kosslyn S. M., (2015). Mental imagery: Functional mechanisms and clinical applications. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 19(10), 590-602.
Bergmann, J., Genç, E., Kohler, A., Singer, W. & Pearson, J. (2015). Smaller primary visual cortex is associated with stronger, but less precise mental imagery. Cerebral Cortex. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhv186
Pearson, J. & Kosslyn S.M. (2015). The Heterogeneity of Mental Representation: Ending the Imagery Debate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Dieter, K.C., Tadin, D. & Pearson, J. (2015). Motion-induced blindness continues outside visual awareness and without attention. Scientific Reports.5, 11841.
Pearson, J & Westbrook, F. (2015). Phantom perception: voluntary and involuntary non-retinal vision. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 19(5), 278–284.
Wassell, J. Rogers, S. Felmingam, K.L. Bryant, R.A. & Pearson, J. (2015). Sex hormones predict the sensory strength and vividness of mental imagery. Biological Psychology. 107, 61–68.
Shine J., Keogh, R., O’Callaghan, C. Muller, A., Lewis, S. Pearson, J. (2015). Imagine that: Elevated sensory mental imagery in individuals with Parkinson’s disease and visual hallucinations. Proceedings of Royal Society: B. 282: 20142047.
Vlassova, A., Donkin, C. & Pearson, J. (2014). Unconscious information changes decision accuracy but not confidence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Press
Khuu, S. K., Chung, C.Y.L., Lord, S. & Pearson, J. (2014). Unconscious local motion alters global image motion. PLoS One. 9(12): e112804.
Wassell, J. Rogers, S. Felmingam, K.L. Pearson, J. & Bryant, R.A. (2014). Progesterone and Mental Imagery Interactively Predict Emotional Memories. Psychoneuroendocrinology.
34. Keogh, R. & Pearson, J. (2014). The sensory strength of voluntary visual imagery predicts visual working memory capacity. Journal of Vision. 14 (12):7, 1-13.
Bergmann, J., Genç, E., Kohler, A., Singer, W.A. & Pearson, J. (2014). Neural anatomy of primary visual cortex limits visual working memory. Cerebral Cortex.
Pearson, J. (2014). New directions in mental imagery research: the binocular rivalry technique and decoding fMRI patterns. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 23(3), 178-183.De Zilva*, D., Vu*, L., Newell, B.R. & Pearson, J. (2013). Exposure is not enough: Suppressing stimuli from awareness can abolish the mere exposure effect. PLoS ONE. 8(10): e77726.
Chang, S., Lewis, D.E. & Pearson, J. (2013). The Functional Effects of Colour Perception and Colour Imagery. Journal of Vision, 13(10):4, 1-10.
Vlassova, A. & Pearson, J. (2013). Look before you leap: sensory memory improves decision-making. Psychological Science. 24(9), 1635-1643.
Lewis, D. O’reilly, M, Khuu, S. & Pearson, J. (2013). Conditioning the mind’s eye: Associative learning with voluntary mental imagery. Clinical Psychological Science. 1(4) 390-400.
Lewis, D.E., Pearson J., Khuu S.K. (2013) The Color “Fruit”: Object Memories Defined by Color. PLoS ONE 8(5): e64960
Pearson J., & Kosslyn, S.M. (2013). Mental Imagery. Frontiers Perception science and Frontiers In Neuroscience. 4:198.
Bradley, C. & Pearson, J. (2012). The sensory components of high-capacity iconic memory and visual working memory. Front. Psychology 3:355.
Ashley, S. & Pearson, J. (2012). When more equals less: overtraining inhibits perceptual learning owing to lack of wakeful consolidation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Sydney Morning Herald press
Rademaker, R. & Pearson, J. (2012). Training visual imagery: Improvements of metacognition, but not imagery strength. Frontiers in Perception Science.
Pearson, J. (2012). Sates of Consciousness. In Passer, M. & Smith, R. (Eds), Psychology: The science of mind and behaviour. Australian ed. Only. (pp. 173-212). McGraw-Hill. Aus.
Pearson, J. (2012). Associative Learning: Pavlovian Conditioning Without Awareness. Current Biology, 22, 12, R495-R496.
Keogh, R. & Pearson, J. (2011). Mental Imagery and visual working memory. PLoS ONE 6(12) e2922.
Pearson, J. Rademaker, R. & Tong, F. (2011). Evaluating the mind’s eye: The metacognition of visual imagery. Psychological Science. 22, 1535-1542.
Knapen, T., Brascamp, J., Pearson, J., van Ee, R & Blake R. (2011). The role of frontal and parietal areas in bistable perception. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(28), 10293-10301.
Sherwood R, & Pearson J (2010). Closing the Mind's Eye: Incoming Luminance Signals Disrupt Visual Imagery. PLoS ONE 5(12): e15217. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015217.
Pearson, J. (2010). Inner VIsion: Seing the minds eye. Psyche, 16 (1).
Ling, S., Pearson, J. & Blake, R. (2009). Dissociation of neural mechanisms underlying orientation processing in humans. Current Biology. 19, 1458-1462.
Brascamp,J., Pearson,J., Blake, R. & van den Berg, A. (2009). Intermittent ambiguous stimuli: implicit memory causes periodic perceptual alternations. Journal of Vision, 9(3), 3, 1-23.
Pearson, J., Clifford, CWG. & Tong F. (2008). The functional impact of mental imagery on conscious perception. Current Biology. 18, 982-986.
Pearson, J. & Brascamp, J. (2008). Sensory memory for ambiguous vision. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 12, 334-341.
Pearson, J., Tadin, D. & Blake, R. (2007). The effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on visual rivalry. Journal of Vision, 7(7):2, 1-11, Journal of Vision
Tong, F. & Pearson, J. (2007). Vision. In B. Baars (Ed.) Cognition, Brain and Consciousness. Elsevier press.
Pearson, J. & Clifford, C.W.G. (2005). Suppressed patterns alter vision during binocular rivalry Current Biology, 15, 2142-2148.
Pearson, J. & Clifford, C.W.G. (2005). Mechanisms Selectively engaged in rivalry: normal vision habituates, rivalrous vision primes Vision Research. 45, 707-714.
Pearson, J. & Clifford, C.W.G. (2005). When your brain decides what you see: Grouping across monocular, binocular, and stimulus rivalry. Psychological Science. 16, 516 519.
Pearson, J. & Clifford C.W.G. (2004). Determinants of visual awareness following interruptions during rivalry. Journal of Vision, 4(3), 196-202, Journal of Vision
Watson, T.L. Pearson, J. & Clifford, C. W. G. (2004). Perceptual grouping of biological motion promotes binocular rivalry. Current Biology. 14, 1670-1674.
Clifford, C.W.G., Spehar, B. & Pearson, J. (2004). Motion Transparency Promotes Synchronous Perceptual Binding. Vision Research. 44, 3073-3080.
Clifford, C.W.G., Holcombe, A. & Pearson, J. (2004). Dynamics of binding Global form. Journal of Vision. 4(12), 1090-1101, Journal of Vision
Clifford, C.W.G, Pearson, J., Forte, J.D., & Spehar, B. (2003). Colour and Luminance Selectivity of Spatial and Temporal Interactions in Orientation Perception. Vision Research. 43, 2885–2893.
Clifford, C.W.G., Arnold, D.H. & Pearson, J. (2003). A paradox of temporal perception revealed by a stimulus oscillating in colour and orientation, Vision Research. 43, 2245–2253.