A selected coverage of media publications covering prof. Joel Pearson and his research.
WISH Magazine, The Australian.INSIDE EDGE: Intuition
Sydney Morning Herald Good Weekend feature profileHow Research Shapes This Cognitive Neuroscience Professor's Day
Qantas magazineNine design studios consider the needs of the future home with new commissions
Art and designNo, Artificial Intelligence Isn’t “Alive”…Yet. But It Will Be
Interview on the dangers and psychological impact of human level AI, ICON magazine
How to Get Your Intuition Back (When It’s Highjacked by Life)
New York timesThis Experiment Suggests Intuition Is A Real Thing
Huffington PostEver wondered how to tap into your intuition? Here’s how
Vogue MagazineUNSW researchers find human intuition does exist
Sydney Morning HeraldIntuition – It’s More Than a Feeling
Psychological ScienceINSIDE EDGE: Intuition
Sydney Morning Herald Good Weekend feature
Mental Imagery and Aphantasia
To learn about my work on aphantasia and mental imagery visit the Future Minds Lab aphantasia page here
Joel Pearson & Ed Catmull on Aphantasia, Imagery & Creativity | WIRED Health 2021
Unconscious mind influences accuracy of decisions
ABC Australia
Art x Science
Otherescope 2020
Elliat Rich x Professor Joel Pearson
Powerhouse Hybrid exhibition
Advertising x Science
Lexus: Driven by Intuition